Diversify your portfolio with commodities
Commodities are an essential part of a diversified investment strategy.
diversified investment strategy. Our Commodities section is designed to provide you with all the information you need to invest in these
information you need to invest in these assets in an informed and strategic way.
What are Raw Materials?
Raw materials are physical goods that are used in the production of other goods and services.
and services. They include natural products such as precious metals, energy, agricultural products and other natural resources.
agricultural products and other natural resources. Commodities are traded on global markets and their
and their price is influenced by supply and demand factors, climatic conditions, geopolitical events and
geopolitical events and other economic factors.
Types of Raw Materials
Agricultural Products:
Industrial Metals:
Características de las Materias Primas
Diversification: Investing in commodities can provide diversification to your portfolio, as their performance often portfolio, as their performance is often uncorrelated with other financial assets. financial assets.
Inflation Protection: Commodities tend to increase in value during periods of high periods of high inflation, protecting your purchasing power.
Volatility: Commodity prices can be highly volatile due to factors such as weather conditions, geopolitical conflicts, and changing factors such as climatic conditions, geopolitical conflicts and changes in global demand. global demand.
Global Demand: Demand for raw materials is driven by global economic growth and industrialization, especially in emerging economies. and industrialization, especially in emerging economies.